Picsart app for PC Download Latest version free (windows 7,8,10,11)2024

App Additional Information

App NamePicsart mod apk
System requirementPC
AbilityEditing(photo, video)
CategoryFully Unlocked features

If a user wants to download free picsart app for PC, there will be no issue because this is easily possible after installation. This app is also installed on the PC for free. All features are available on PC as well. Android apps are not run on the PC directly. Here we explain the two methods of installation on a PC.

Method.1: Download app on PC from Microsoft store

The main feature of picsart app for pc app is that it is also easily available in the Microsoft Store. Other editing apps, like Kine-Master and Alight-Motion, are not available on the Microsoft Store. Therefore, millions of people use this app due to its easy availability.

  • Click on the search bar and type “Microsoft Store.”
  • There will be a new screen.
  • Create a new account with your email.
  • In the Microsoft Store search bar, type Picsart, and then enter.
  • There will be a download page.
  • Just click on the download button to start downloading for free.
  • After downloading and automatically installing this winsome editing app, a user can start to use it for work.

Method.2: Download Picsart app for PC via Android Emulator

In this case, Blue Stacks “5” ( an Android emulator ) is required to be downloaded and installed to run the Android picsart app for pc through it, and it can install the latest version of this app easily. Here we discuss the full method of installing this app through the emulator as well. So that even a newbie can easily install it after following the below steps.

  • Download and install BlueStacks “5”(Android Emulator).
  • In the emulator (go to the Play Store and app in the search bar).
  • Click on the picsart app, and installation will be started within BlueStacks.
  • After it is installed in the emulator, a user can easily open it and start working instantly.

Features of modded app for PC

The picsart app for pc has various tools for the precise editing of photos and videos without showing any third-party name. It also provides the enhancement and empowerment of artistic creativity with the help of AI creation and tonnes of tools. Here, we describe the features of a modded app on PC, so that every user can get access to a comprehensive and dynamic platform for editing.

Free editing with picsart lite

The first and foremost feature of the picsart app for PC is editing every photo and video on a larger screen than on Android, which is free of charge. There are also available the same features on Android without loss of quality or integrity and tons of editing tools through which users can trim, resize and use the different effects.

Change background with picsart AI

To eliminate unwanted backgrounds and enhance creativity, users can easily change the background of images using the given AI tools. By using these tools, filters and effects an ordinary image can be transformed into a unique stylish photo.

Unlock all premium features

This modded version provide the all unlocked premium features without any charge or without any disruption of ads. So, every user can done their editing wisely with captivating twist of designing.

No watermark

Most editing apps have their watermark on photos or videos, but users don’t want to get with the watermark result of their editing. The feature picsart app for pc with no watermark ensures that every user can share their creativity without showing their branding name on social media and also in a professional work. This feature is mostly useful for professional photographers, and graphical designers.

Uses of filters and effects

This feature is enhanced to offer a huge and extensive variety of filters and effects for users to edit according to their desires. These include glitch effects, artistic effects and many more, with a large variety of filters for artistic enhancement and transforming photos in a wide variety of styles.

Templates and Drawing:

Many templates are available in this editing picsart app for pc. These templates are include with artistic templates, magazine and poster templates, social media templates, collage templates, etc. By using these templates, a user can make his work more awesome. This modded app also provides different types of drawing features, like shape drawing, brushes, text drawing and layers. And they can share their work on social media apps like Facebook and  Instagram as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is safe to use on a PC. Just downloaded it from Microsoft store and also from blue stack emulator.

Yes after download picsart app for pc, every user can easily access all tools, filter and effects, stickers, AI creation on PC with unlock features also.

Yes, the modded version of this app is ad-free on PC as well. Users can edit their raw pictures in a good form.

Yes, every user can retain data by clicking on the arrow in the top left corner of the screen and making changes again and again for free.

Yes, users can easily share their editing material with others on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and on X-share.

Yes, this modded app is user-friendly, as we describe in detail, its features and how to install and use it on picsart app for pc .


For access to the latest tools and features, users should download the latest version of picsart app for PC. Every user will be entertained to use the app on the PC as well, because the app shows on a large screen and the features will be easily understood. Users can adopt this skill as professionals. This will be helpful for earning money and can brighten their future with outstanding editing skills, because every skill wants experience.

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